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This Triangle Application Google Can Save Your Internet Quota

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Apps that run in the background are often not consciously consuming a lot of internet data. Perhaps this is not too much of a problem for those who use Wi-Fi networks every day, but it is a nightmare for those who rely on limited monthly internet quotas. But the issue can be solved by Google's latest app.

Recently Google presented a new app called Triangle that can save your monthly data from greedy apps running in the background. Google itself is testing the application in neighboring Philippines by holding two Global and Smart mobile operators. Triangle will show you which apps eat a lot of data both in home and in background.

On the other hand, this Triangle app also acts as a Data Saver by limiting certain apps from being online for more than 10 or 30 minutes. Actually, all this information can already be obtained by Android users manually by going into settings. But for users who do not really know about their handset or want a more practical way, of course the Triangle app is worth to be installed.

Global and Smart which are prepaid cellular operators in the Philippines allow customers to keep track of their remaining prepaid monthly balance of data through apps. In addition, customers can obtain free data that can be credited to their account by visiting certain websites.

Sayanngya not known what is planned Google by launching this application. But considering this application has a fairly important utility, quite interesting to follow the development of this Triangle application.

Download Triangle App On PlayStore Disini
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